Longing To Be Seen
We’re all longing to be seen and heard in a genuine, heartfelt way. This is especially true if you’ve had a traumatic upbringing. You’re used to hiding away, and keeping your mouth shut, for your own good, a survival instinct. Sometimes we don’t even know it, we just feel empty inside and have a feeling […]

Sweeping Sh*t Under The Carpet
I will not sweep sh*t under the carpet, not on my watch! I’ve spent a lifetime holding onto deep dark secrets that people threatened me to keep. The secrets ate me up on the inside, all my life.The secrets made me feel dirty.The secrets made me feel like it was MY fault.The secrets made me feel […]

Speak Your Truth
One of the greatest lessons we can learn is to speak our truth boldly, without the intention of hurting anyone. There is only one thing more frightening than speaking our truth, and that’s not speaking at all. Free yourself from holding on tight to that story inside you. Speak your truth, even if your […]

Coping With Anxiety
Anxiety can feel as though it’s taking over your mind, body and soul! It can feel really crippling, causing you to freeze, it stops you in your tracks. Sometimes it’s so bad, you can’t even do your day-to-day stuff, and don’t get me started about not wanting to be around, see or talk to people! […]
Fear Of Failure
Fear of failure can stem from childhood trauma or events, to mistakes we’ve made in our lives.If we were constantly undermined or humiliated in childhood, we can carry those negative feelings into adulthood. We all have different definitions of failure, simply because we all have different backgrounds, benchmarks, values, and belief systems. It’s safe to say that […]
Darkness To Light
Sometimes it feels so dark, it feels like the darkness tries to capture your soul. You are constantly looking for and hoping to see the crack of light that shines through the darkness so you can see sense again. Sometimes it feels like you against the world, fighting battles that fuel your every sense of […]
A Little Girl
A little girl grew up doing what she was told to do. She learnt to be submissive, even when the demands were confusing, scary or didn’t feel right. She dare not question the instruction or demand. She stayed silent and did what she was told to do, to try to keep herself safe from […]
The Power of a Māmā
We as mothers grow our precious babies in our whare tangata, we keep ourselves safe and healthy so we can give our growing babies the best chance at life. At times we lose our identity, we lose our independence, we lose our ability to roam free as we once did. But, we always […]
She Chose Herself
❤️ You’re broken, but you have the power to repair yourself. ❤️ Breathe, just sit and breathe, long deep breaths in and out, this will help reduce the panic, and bring you back to the present. ❤️ When the sun shines, sit outside, close your eyes and feel the warmth of the sun on your […]
Privacy gives us the power to choose our thoughts and feelings and who we share them with. Privacy is the right to be alone, free from interference or intrusion. Privacy helps us establish boundaries to limit who has access to our bodies, places and things. Sometimes we are limited with our physical privacy, we […]