Real Talk Academy – Real Talk Online Course with One Clarity Call


When I refer to the stage, this could mean for you:

  • Presenting a kōrero to an audience
  • Projecting your whakaaro or idea at a hui or meeting
  • Anything to do with public speaking
  • Or it could be reference to a literal stage if you are gearing yourself up for speaking on stage.


I also used this formula to help write my first book.

What’s included:

  • The power of YOUR STORY
Gain clarity on the message that you have to share with the world, and the impact it can make on those who listen and hear what you have to say.  
When you are sharing a kōrero, an idea, a kaupapa  – you want to give the idea to the audience something new to think about, you are gifting them a new way of thinking.  You’re not telling them what they need to do or have to do, you are planting the seed to think differently.  To inspire them to think differently. This is very powerful stuff.
  • Your Mindset, Your Audience & Your Message
A strong and positive mindset is essential to developing and maintaining healthy self esteem.  It is an important tool that affects our daily self dialogue and   reinforces our most intimate beliefs, attitudes and feelings about ourselves.
Understand your audience, explore ideas, and create a strong message. This will help make writing your presentation so much easier.
  • Formulating your flow 
Develop a solid, clear format for your kōrero/story or presentation.
Preparation is definitely key.  The work begins well before you step on that stage.  The power of a successful presentation comes from preparation.  The amount of preparation you put into your talk is the difference between good and awesome.
  • Memorising, Practicing & Rehearsing
Having tried and true techniques will help you establish a sense of confidence that no matter what happens, you’ll know how to complete the important work of sharing your kōrero/story or presentation.
  • Presentation & Performance
Smash through self limiting beliefs so you are confident and comfortable to go from Story To Stage.
Your audience wants you to succeed. They want to hear what you have to say. They believe in you.
The only thing you have control over on the day is YOU! That is your superpower, and that is what you need to focus on.
  • Maximising Your Future Opportunities
If you are aspiring to become a professional public speaker, a public speaking portfolio could be your ticket and an essential part of your success. The tips I share with you can help you create an intentional, powerful, personal brand. Speakers who follow the steps below will likely find that speaking opportunities increase and the influence of speaking gigs multiplies.
  • PLUS One Clarity Call with me
This clarity call is designed to go over anything that you want a guidance, direction or advice on. You take the lead here with whatever will serve you best!
Let’s do this!


I’m a strong believer that there is no greater investment than investing in yourself to be the best possible version of you!



(payment plan option as well)


  • Inspire Other Wāhine

    “In hopes my story could relate, connect or inspire other wāhine, it was a privilege to speak alongside some amazing and inspirational people within our community.  Thank you Tania and @real_talk_nz for having me jump out of my comfort zone.”

    - Paige Wainui
  • Unbelievable

    “To be able to share my story to an audience and have numerous people come and speak to me after telling me how much my story touched them because they have been through similar, was unbelievable. Tania and the team behind real talk have the biggest hearts and it feels like another whanau for me now.”

    - Hunter Lee Kawana
  • Supported Through The Process

    “It been amazing and super helpful. Knowing you are supported through the process made a difference.  Connecting with other amazing people, having the experience of sharing my story in a safe environment and being apart of the amazing mahi of Real Talk.  “

    - Ardon England
  • An Empowering Experience

    “An empowering experience that makes you appreciate your journey so far, and inspired for the future.  It gave me the opportunity to release a story that has been weighing on me for years. I was able to share it in a safe space, with a solid support system that guided me every step of the way.”

    - Esme Hunt
  • I Can Do Anything Now

    “Enlightening and encouraging. Tania created a safe place for me to open up an unhealed past and create a beautiful story to share.  I have opened myself up to new levels of bravery, and I feel like I can do anything now. I feel grateful for all the positive responses.”

    - Grace Matenga

I know you’re capable of great things. We all are.

Sometimes we need a reminder of our personal power, and some new tools to help us be in our power, find a balance, find happiness, freedom and growth.

I am here to help guide you along your journey to the best possible version of YOU. 



  • What can I expect once I sign up for a course?

Once you have signed up, you will receive an automated email with your login details so you can get started.

When you log in you will get INSTANT ACCESS to the course content, the free download bonuses, and you are welcome to take from the course anything you need to help you in your journey through life or business.  What’s mine is yours, during our time together.


  • If I am just getting started and I don’t have a business yet, is this still a good fit for me?

All of our courses are created to make learning easy and accessible for all stages of life and business. It all starts with an idea – if you’ve got an idea, you can turn it into a business.

My voice will walk you through step by step for every single course. So yes, if you’re new to business, this is 100% for you.


  • What if I am too busy to do the work?

If this course sounds like a mission, it might just be because you feel overwhelmed in your life or business, and you’re trying to imagine how you’ll add this program to your existing “to-do” list. We make time for what’s important to us, so the answer lies within you.

Don’t push pause on your life and the opportunities to grow in order to find a “perfect time”  There is never a “good time” to work on yourself, it requires you to commit to yourself and value your growth. You can work at your own pace, you will get out of it what you put into it. 

If you are learning ways to manage your mind, the time commitment isn’t hard, it can actually bring you joy. You can change your life and all that is required is your willingness to do the mahi.

  • I have signed up to courses in the past and they haven’t worked.

As a coach let me use this opportunity to coach you. In my experience, I have personally seen clients change their entire lives. Whatever the “why” is for you, be it freedom, profit, better relationships with self or others, this will be the driving factor for you doing the mahi.

I have also seen a people join and self-sabotage, by not prioritising themselves or their desire for personal growth. It’s not always the course that wasn’t good – it’s our input, our intention and how much we are willing to make this life changing content work.

Your results are up to you and you can achieve the results by taking ACTION. You can read testimonials from people who have previously completed our courses.

  • I’m scared to spend money on ME.

I hear you, I’ve been there.  The “mum guilt”, the “I should really buy something for the whānau instead of spending on myself” so many of us feel bad for investing in ourselves and it blows my mind.

Money is a resource, to help you to invest in YOU!  When you invest in YOU, you show up as the best version of you for YOU, you also show up as the best version of you for your whānau, and everyone around you.

We have a course on Mastering Your Mind, and Master Your Money Mindset, including MANAfesting so we go deep into this topic in order to help you CLEAR those shitty money beliefs that are holding you back from moving forward.

  • What if I want to do it but cant afford it?

Ask yourself:

-How can I create the money instead of “I don’t have money”.

-WHAT IS IT COSTING YOU to stay the same and not grow?

-How will your life look like 6 months from now if nothing changes?

When I decided to work on myself I too had no money but I knew that I couldn’t NOT work on myself if I was ever going to grow and change my life.

I had to find a way to make it happen and here I am today living a life I LOVE because I did. You can too. The time for you is NOW. You are worth backing yourself to go for it.


  • I haven’t done online courses before, I’m nervous

Most of us have lived the same life and have the same “comfortable” results for so long we struggle to imagine how our lives could be if we backed ourselves & put ourselves first.

You will get out of this what you put into it, so if you do the mahi, you WILL get the treats.

  • Is there any support available if I have questions or get stuck?

For an extra charge, you can book to have one on one coaching time with me, I can guide you, I can hold you accountable, I can help make your dreams a reality.

If you’ve signed up for the Boss Business Package + Coaching, your coaching will be included with the online learning also.

Questions for you to ask yourself:


  • What changes if you decide to invest in yourself?
  • What changes if you don’t?
  • What is your next step in your growth and evolution? Will you take it?
  • If not you, then who? And if not now, then when?


If you’re ready to make the big moves, click the link below for instant access to the course!


Allow me to introduce myself:

Kia Ora, I’m Tania Carr. I’m an ICF credentialed coach, and have a business called The Coaching Hub, I am also the founder of Real Talk NZ A place where REAL people are able to share their REAL stories to inspire and empower others.  We take our audience on a journey, a journey of laughter, a journey of tears, and a journey with absolute passion and purpose.

We create a safe space to speak about what we have experienced in our lives, and that we don’t have to be whakamā, we don’t have to live in silence, we don’t have to hide our secrets anymore.

I’m passionate about connecting with people and helping them to send a message that resonates with the audience for life.

The stage is the place where I feel most comfortable.  The ability that one has to create a massive impact on an audience and beyond, makes my heart sing.

I believe that we deserve to be empowered to have it all, whilst maintaining the flexibility and balance in life. 

I’m on a mission to change lives, I’m passionate about connecting with people, and I’m here to help you in any possible way.

Copyright 2022, The Coaching Hub, All rights reserved

+64 210 695778

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