Tania’s Top Tips for Coaches in Business
Maximise YOUR Business
There are a million and one resources out there to help you establish a successful business. Here are some tips and tricks that have helped ME along the way, and I credit my success to the following:
People buy from people, right? When clients are looking for a coach, they are looking for someone that is the ‘right fit’ for them. You need to be your unique self so that your clients know exactly what they are to expect from you. If you try ‘faking it ‘til you make it’ you will be found out pretty quickly in this business. Word of mouth is a huge marketing tool, and if you are being your unique self, you will attract and retain your ideal clients, and your business with continue to blossom and grow!
I believe in the power of positive thinking and manifestation. I reckon a lot of success comes down to your ability to set goals and KPI’s and to constantly review them so they are ALWAYS front of mind.
FIRST, set goals for your business starting with long term goals, then break it down to medium and short-term goals that will help you to get you there.
Don’t just write a business plan at the start of the financial year, then file it away until the next financial year, review your goals regularly. Know exactly what it is that you want to achieve and put actions and strategy in place to make sure it happens. Chunk it down into quarterly goals, then monthly, and then break it down to weekly to ensure you are heading toward your goal.
If you need a coach to help to set your business goals and hold you accountable: BOOK ME.
Have a recognisable brand, from your logo, your colour palette, your content, your message and YOU if you are selling YOU!
You need to market yourself, and I know some of us cringe when we think about this, but it needs to be done! Otherwise you are having a party, but not inviting anyone! What kind of party is that?!
If you need help to create a STRONG BRAND, check out our branding packages.
You NEED a well-defined target market, so you are marketing to YOUR ideal clients.
You will learn very quickly that you can burn the candle at both ends trying to be everything to everybody. Focus on what you are good at, and how you can use your strengths to add value to your clients’ lives.
If you’d like to discuss your niche, and review your target market, you can book a FREE strategy session with me: BOOK ME.
I certainly am a people person, I LOVE genuinely connecting with people (some more than others, lol). I suppose this is why I love being a coach, it’s a perfect combo.
When I first went into business for myself, it certainly was a lonely gig, so I joined in lots of local networking opportunities with like-minded business owners, so I found the real sense of belonging that I was missing. I also met some amazing business partners and strategists who to this day still help me with implementing my crazy ideas and continue growing my business. It makes the world a much better place when you have awesome people in your corner.
Another thing I strongly recommend is to collaborate with those who have strengths in areas that you may struggle with. This has been another integral part of helping me to grow my business.
If you’re interested in having a conversation about how we can help each other, I would love to chat – Tania, 0210695778
You need to have an online presence! You may not have had one before, and you may not want to, but it is integral to the success of your business to have a social media presence. You need to put yourself out there. I post at least once a day on all my social media platforms, and often if I have a promo running, I will post 3 times a day. It is very unlikely that anyone will see all 3 posts, so you never have to worry about spamming people.
If you need a coach to help get you established in this area, and confident in producing quality content for your brand. I can help: BOOK ME.
Trust me, I know how daunting the thought of this is to some of you who have never done it before. I have been there!
I actually had my own coach guide and support me through my first round of video content, I was scared as f*#! of being judged, and I put so much pressure on myself to get it perfect. Now, I can film myself anywhere, anytime and I actually enjoy it!
Your potential clients will start to form a relationship with you from your videos, they will be sussing you out, analysing whether or not you will be the “right fit” for them.
If you need a coach to help get you comfortable in this area, and smashing out your own fabulous video content, it would be my pleasure to coach you through the tips and tricks to creating content, filming, editing and producing high-quality videos. BOOK ME.
This certainly helps with credibility!
I was very lucky to have an awesome effective and affordable and website built for me.
It’s also important to constantly update your website as your business evolves, as your offers grow.
Another awesome function I have is an online booking system, I love how easy it is for my clients to book and pay online for the services they require, it’s so efficient and streamlined.
YOU can have an AWESOME new website for your business too, for $1597! Click now to get started.
The person I am today, is sooooooooo different to the person I was a year ago! I have been fortunate enough to invest in my own training and development. I used to be one of those people who would say “I can’t afford that”, “I don’t have the money for that” now I’m the one who says “How can I make that happen”, “How can I move money around, so I can do that training”?!
You WILL get left behind if you keep doing what you’ve always done. Times are changing – rapidly and we need to move with the times. When you run your own business there is NO ROOM FOR SHRINKING VIOLETS. Get out of your comfort zone, and the more you do it, the easier it gets.
When you start your business you’ll be doing everything yourself. You’re the CEO, Finance Director, Operations Manager, Secretary, Marketing Manager, and every other role needed to make your business work.
You’ll be learning new skills, new ways of thinking and new ways of being. It’s exciting AND it’s a big challenge. However, there comes a time when you will literally burn yourself out, especially if you are doing stuff that you don’t necessarily enjoy doing.
I’m in a position now where I value my time, and if someone can do the job faster and more efficient than I can, then I am going to pay them for their contribution. It’s a win/win, especially if it’s allowing my more quality time to spend with my kids
As long as you run your own business, there will ALWAYS be more to do than time allows, so you MUST learn to prioritise and focus on what YOU are good at and what will generate money.
If you’d like to discuss your business and reviewing YOUR priorities, you can book a FREE strategy session with me: BOOK ME.
Don’t take my word for it, listen to what my clients are saying!
Your potential clients want to know how you can make a difference in their lives, they want to hear the positive stories from real people. They want to hear how you have made an impact on others.
Whenever you can, you should be asking for testimonials from all those clients you have helped along the way. This is GOLD.
Don’t be afraid to blow your own trumpet, you are AWESOME at what you do, so let everyone know how awesome you are!
We all have to earn a crust as the bills don’t pay themselves.
Yes, when we are starting out, we do A LOT of practise runs for FREE, and we may have that self doubt that creeps in and we need to keep it at bay. BUT we need to draw a line in the sand and start to value OUR time. Most of us have years of life and business experience, and some of us have invested substantial amounts of money in ourselves to get us to this point, so there comes a time when we need to see a return on our investment.
The purpose of running a business is to make money, and to make money from helping people is such a fantastic reward, so be PROUD of that.
If you’d like to discuss your money mindset, and review your financial goals, you can book a FREE strategy session with me: BOOK ME.
No-one said it was going to be easy. But if you implement some of the tips and tricks I’ve mentioned above, you are sure to see some wins!
Tania Carr – tania@thecoachinghub.co.nz
Website – www.thecoachinghub.co.nz
Instagram – @thecoachinghubnz
Facebook – @TheCoachingHubNZ